

ホーム > 学生生活 > 学生生活 > 夏季休業期間における新型コロナウイルス感染防止についてのお願い/Request for cooperation in prevention of COVID-19 during summer vacation

夏季休業期間における新型コロナウイルス感染防止についてのお願い/Request for cooperation in prevention of COVID-19 during summer vacation









1 37.5度以上の熱があったら外出しない。また、咳嗽、くしゃみ、鼻水、呼吸困難、嗅覚?味覚異常など体調不良が見られた場合も同様とする。

2 外出時は、マスクを着用し、人との距離を2m確保して行動する。また、帰宅後は手指消毒もしくは石鹸による手洗いを行う。

3 密閉?密集?密接のいわゆる「3密」を避ける。

4 友人等との会食や飲み会、多人数での旅行、イベント等は自粛する。やむを得ない場合は、十分な感染対策を行った上で、大声を出さない、対面を避けるなど、飛沫による感染を防ぐ。

5 学生寮など、学生が集団生活を営む場では、集団感染のリスクを最大限に低減させる取組を講じる。

6 万一、感染した場合は、所属する部局の事務担当に連絡をする。


7 「北海道コロナ通知システム」や,厚生労働省の接触確認アプリ「COCOA」を活用する。

8 飲食店等を利用する場合には,「新北海道スタイル安心宣言」等の表示に留意するなど,感染防止対策に取り組んでいるお店や場所を選ぶようにする。






             理事?副学長(教育?学生等担当) 長谷川晃











Dear HU International Students,

August , 2020


Request for cooperation in prevention of COVID-19 during summer vacation


In HU, summer vacation starts on 26th August 2020 and finishes on 25th September 2020. During summer vacation, some students might go on a trip or visit home to the inside or out of Hokkaido.

COVID-19 is now spreading mainly in the capital area beyond our expectation and it is likely that the pandemic of this disease will not be over so soon.

Please read the following instructions, act accordingly and keep staying alert to the severe situation of COVID-19 to prevent infection during summer vacation.


1 If you have a fever (37.5℃ or more), cough, sneeze, runny nose, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), olfactory taste disorders or something like the symptoms of illness, refrain from going out.

2 Wear a mask and keep a distance of 2 meters from other people when leaving home. When you return home, wash or sanitize your hands.

3 Avoid the 3 Cs (closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings)

4 Refrain from eating and drinking in a group, going on a group trip and participating in events. If you have no choice but to join the activities above-mentioned, in addition to taking adequate measures against infection, avoid conversations in a loud voice and face-to-face contact to prevent droplet transmission.

5 In dormitories or places where some students live together, take measures to reduce the risk of group infections maximally.

6 In case that you are diagnosed with COVID-19, report to your faculty office. The phone

number of your faculty office is available in the list below..

  ※Contact list of faculty offices: Japanese only

7 Install and setup "Hokkaido Corona Notification System" or the "COVID-19 Contact App (COCOA) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare".

8 When eating out at restaurants or bars, avoid places which don't take measures to prevent infection. The display of the "New Hokkaido Style" safety declaration helps you choose a place.

I hope that you pay full attention not only to your own health but also to that of your friends, families and whole nation and that you spend summer vacation with discipline.


Executive Director/Vice-President, Education and Students



【Related information】

About COVID-19 (City of Sapporo): Japanese only


If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or Concerned about your symptoms(Hokkaido University)
